Housing Education Program
Make Your Mobile Financial Transactions Safer

If you do any of your monetary transactions on a smartphone or a tablet, you’ve probably at one point thought to yourself, I can’t believe I’m doing this from…inside my car while it’s being washed…the rodeo…a zip-line.

No matter your favorite remote location, you’ve probably also thought to yourself, I love the convenience, but is it safe? Financial institutions have taken several measures – like encrypting your information – to help increase the security of online transactions, but there are steps you can take too.

Be password savvy
You probably know about changing your passwords every six months and making them hard to guess. But being smart with mobile devices also means using passwords as much as possible, like when your phone is first turned on or when it comes out of sleep mode. This makes it harder for someone else to access your information should they get your phone.

Use trusted apps only
Try to only download apps from trusted sources, like your financial institution. If you are considering downloading an app from an unfamiliar company, read as many online reviews as possible.

Download extra security
Adding antivirus software, security updates and wipe software – a program that lets you erase your mobile device’s contents if it gets stolen – will all make your mobile device safer.

Don’t provide account info via text or email
If you get any electronic communication asking for your account or personal information, call your financial institution or visit their website at the link you normally use. It’s also best to not click on links in emails or texts from senders you don’t recognize.

Use your mobile provider’s network to connect rather than public Wi-Fi
If you can get on Wi-Fi to check out your accounts, someone else can too.


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